Today’s Trademark – Pipton
The trademark of PIPTON is owned by Blush Haus of Beaute, LLC and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 7280183 on Jan. 16, 2024.

Pipton® (formerly Blush Haus of Beauté) is a beauty and lifestyle concept store, and the coolest one-stop destination for all things beautiful. Pipton has become a focal point for fashionistas, trendsetters, and the beauty obsessed of all ages. Pipton is the result of a transformation from a retail store into the immersive image of a person well versed and well traveled. Through finesse, research, and intuition, and alongside collaborating with various artists, designers, and iconic companies, Pipton is a fluid showcase of beauté insight and knowledge. Whether you’re looking for a fashionista’s playground, a makeup enthusiast’s dream store, or the ultimate gift giving source, Pipton is here to make your days a little more (beauté)ful, inside and out.