Today’s Trademark – Anuna Essentials
The trademark of ANUNA ESSENTIALS is owned by Anuna Enterprises LLC and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 6952162 on Jan. 17, 2023.

“Anuna” is an ancient Pali-Sanskrit word also found in the Buddhist Heart Sutra and refers to something “Superior”. Similarly, we have built on the concepts of Superior Quality, Reliability & Customer Delight! is a Social Impact Marketplace focused on Artisanal, Handicrafts, Handlooms, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Organics & Wellness products. We believe in ending the plastic generation, reviving traditional handicrafts & naturopathy, helping marginalized artisans connect with modern trends & digital economies, help designers & eCommerce startups source quality hand-made products, and in the process make the World a better place! is a global sourcing powerhouse of hand-made natural items. This unique marketplace connects global buyers with Traditional Artisans & Independent Seller communities, while providing mediation on quality & also features a first-of-its-kind Custom Order Module allowing buyers to buy from the current inventory of sellers, in retail or wholesale, opt for private labeling, as well as, place custom design and bulk orders with peace of mind!