Today’s Trademark – N True North
The trademark of N TRUE NORTH is owned by Communitech Corporation was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 6610552 on Jan. 11, 2022.

Communitech helps founders start, grow and succeed. Established in 1997, our mission has been our guide ever since. We are doubling down on our commitment to elevate Waterloo Region as an innovation hub on the global stage.
A strong and vibrant region is essential for a prosperous province and resilient nation. Firmly rooted in our commitment to Tech for Good®, we collaborate with tech communities from coast to coast to create growth opportunities for our founders.
With a unified support network, we are shaping a future where Canadian tech sets trends and sparks inspiration worldwide. Our superpower is the ability to connect, convene and catalyze: we bring people, opportunities and resources together, create space for collaboration and partnerships, and provide the tools and support tech companies need to scale.