Today’s Trademark – Covi-Feron
The trademark of COVI-FERON is owned by Bionote, Inc. (CORPORATION; REPUBLIC OF KOREA) was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 7265585 on Jan. 09, 2024.

As the medical paradigm shifts from treatment-centered approaches to disease prevention care, the importance of diagnosis is continuously being emphasized. Healthy life begins with an accurate diagnosis. We pursue the health of all living creatures through diagnosis based on our advanced technology. Bionote is a specialized company of the in-vitro diagnostics with international branches across the United States and China – the leading countries of the diagnostic field.
Along with our BL-3 research facility, we possess superior technology in recombinant antigen manufacturing and are expanding our business scope by entering a highly valued market of the bio reagent industry. With our advanced technology and vigorous product development, Bionote could become the company it is today – a global in-vitro diagnostic leader. From Point-of-Care screening tests to confirmatory tests, Bionote offers a wide portfolio of IVD products Bionote aims to provide a total diagnostic portfolio for all living creatures alike, with a vision to make the world a better. place for both humans and animals.