The trademark of OPI is owned by WELLA OPERATIONS US, LLC, and was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 88731088 on July 27, 2019.

OPI is an internationally acclaimed industry leader in professional nail care, known for its exceptional products and innovative colour choices. Established in 1981, OPI has gained widespread recognition and is renowned for its inventive compositions and memorable, clever nail polish names that provide a playful element to beauty rituals. OPI distinguishes itself via its unwavering commitment to perfection, guaranteeing that every product delivers exceptional performance and enduring outcomes. Their comprehensive assortment includes nail lacquers, gels, and treatments, all meticulously crafted to maintain the health and vibrancy of nails.
OPI’s consumer-oriented strategy fosters creativity, promotes diversity, and provides educational opportunities. They consistently partner with renowned fashion designers and celebrities to actualize the most current trends, ensuring that high fashion is accessible to everybody. OPI prioritizes customer welfare by providing goods devoid of hazardous components and promoting sustainable methodologies. OPI offers a distinctive and motivating experience for nail aficionados throughout the globe, driven by a dedication to excellence and a house for creativity.