Saylite company, which owns the word mark “Mobern Lighting” and began operations fifty years ago, is focused on meeting the lighting needs of commercial establishments all over the country and offers an extensive range of LED options. They offer a team of experts in the United States who are committed to leveraging the most recent technologies and building on our time-tested principles, and we do so in a facility that is state-of-the-art.

As a result of our decision to expand our product line to include LED lighting, smart lighting, sensors, and retrofits, it has become a stronger and more innovative solutions provider in the modern lighting landscape. Our products can be found in a wide variety of projects all over the United States, such as large retail establishments, offices for Fortune 500 companies, hotels, multi-family developments, and other types of establishments.
Saylite, LLC limited liability company owned the brand “Mobern Lighting” on 15th August 2017 bearing the serial number 8721787. It is a mark registered as a servicemark falling under class 035 of the International Classification of Goods and Services bearing registration no.5263984. No claim was made to the exclusive right to use “lighting” apart from the mark as shown.