D King Toys & Gifts Co., Ltd., founded in 2012 in Yangzhou, China, is a well-known international plush toys E-business. Service and innovation have driven steady growth. It acquired two plush toy makers and partnered with five others to boost production. D King integrated printing, embroidery, and packaging to improve delivery times, manufacturing costs, and service quality. The company promotes baby, pet, home textiles, and plush toys in developed countries in North America and the EU. Its products meet EN-71 and ASTM standards for safety and quality. The alliance passed BSCI, Sedex, Target, Walmart, McDonald’s, Macy’s, Disney, WCA, and Coca-Cola audits.

The company improves designs, materials, and appearance to meet client needs. D King Toys and Gifts is dedicated to brand image, innovation, and value to clients, partners, and society. Their research and design team works with clients to achieve perfection. The international department responds quickly and offers great value. The company embraces change and empowers employees to be their best. They provide the best training and infrastructure to help employees achieve personal goals and the company’s vision.
Yangzhou d king toys & gifts co.,ltd company registered the brand “D King” on 16th August 2022 bearing the serial number 97325183. It is a mark registered as a trademark falling under class 008 of the International Classification of Goods and Services bearing registration no.6821198. The mark consists of the stylized wording “D KING”.