Today’s Trademark – G Gentrack
The trademark of G GENTRACK is owned by GENTRACK LIMITED was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 6959303 on Jan. 24, 2023.

Gentrack provides leading utilities across the world with innovative cleantech solutions. Working with some of the world’s biggest energy and water companies, as well as innovative challenger brands, we are helping companies reshape what it means to be a utilities business. Our customers trust our high-performance solutions to drive customer success and continued growth.
Established in the 1980s during New Zealand’s power market deregulation; we earned our stripes with our unfailing can-do attitude. And our customers have been benefiting from that knowledge and through our software ever since. Today, we help our customers drive efficiency and outstanding service in over 200 utility sites and offices across the UK, India, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Saudi Arabia. Combined with our utility market expertise, our local knowledge and support is second to none.