In the realm of culinary excellence, the trademark {DEGUSTE} stands proudly registered under the meticulous care of DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C. This combined individual mark, bearing the registration number P00234995, was officially recognized on February 22, 2016, through the efforts of INDECOPI LIMA, the trademark office in Peru.
DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C., the visionary owner of {DEGUSTE}, cultivates a legacy deeply rooted in the art of harvesting. Specializing in a diverse range of agricultural and horticultural products, grains, live animals, fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, and even animal feed, DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C. orchestrates a flourishing ecosystem from field to table.

As a registered trademark in Peru, it is not merely a symbol but a culinary symphony. It mirrors DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C.’s commitment to quality and diversity in the realm of fresh harvests. The combined mark, with its unique individuality, encapsulates the essence of the culinary journey undertaken by DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C., bringing the finest Flavors to tables around the world.
{DEGUSTE} is more than a trademark; it is an invitation to Savor the richness of fresh produce and agricultural excellence fostered by DE GUSTE GROUP S.A.C., a company that celebrates the vibrant tapestry of Flavors from Peru to the global palate.