Today’s Trademark – Sweet Palermo
The trademark of SWEET PALERMO is owned by The Future Bakery s.r.o. and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 5093360 on December 6th, 2016.

Sweet Palermo is a premium pointed pepper variety developed by vegetable breeder Rijk Zwaan, a family-owned company dedicated to enhancing vegetable traits for better yields and superior taste. Produced exclusively by the Sweet Palermo Growers Group, these peppers are available year-round, ensuring consistent quality and flavor for consumers worldwide.
Rich in essential nutrients, Sweet Palermo peppers provide a full daily intake of vitamin C per 100 grams, along with being high in fiber and a source of vitamin E, B6, and B11 (folate). Their exceptional taste, versatility, and health benefits make them a standout choice for nutritious and flavorful meals.