Mole-Richardson, also known as Mole, is an American stage lighting lighting instrument and motion lighting manufacturing company. The company was started in 1927 by Italian immigrant Pietro “Peter” Mule, later changed to Mole. It was originally based in Hollywood, California.
In 1927, Peter began selling incandescent tungsten lighting to the film industry, which allowed a more natural lighting. Mole-Richardson invented the Fresnel Solar Spot unit in 1935, modifying the Fresnel lighthouse lens for use in motion pictures.
After Peter Mole died his son-in-law, Warren Parker and his descendants ran the Mole-Richardson company. Mole-Richardson is considered to be the staple of motion picture and television lighting in the movie industry, thereby setting the standard for tungsten Fresnel fixtures. They also manufacture HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-arc Iodide) day-light lighting units. Mole-Richardson lighting is generally recognized by their maroon colouring and “MR” logos.
The trademark of “Mole Richardson” was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 0748351 on April 23, 1963.