The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 6074255 on June 9, 2020.
Zigong Lantern Group operates in two major locations which are China and USA which no middle man involved. This group was created in 2018 post-consolidation of companies, production staff, and agents who were located in the USA, Zigdong, Chengdu, Shanghai, and Chongqing. This brand got its trademarked brand name in 2019 in the USA and later on filed its trademark in Europe and U.K. The genealogy of this group is remarkable and most of their employees are considered ‘native’ because they were the first to bring the official Chinese Lantern Festival outside of China to the United States, and they stand firm in Europe and around the world. Their companies are located in the USA and have a factory in China. Since they deploy most of their workforce for on-site installation and manufacturing in the United States and/or Europe, most of their business operations are actually in the USA and Europe. Not all lantern companies operate under this model and this company is the only USA-based lighting company worldwide. Their designs are purely custom- made and the quality of the same is unbeatable and the same is the reason for their growth in annual attendance. Thereby, this company evolved to be the World’s largest and influential lantern group.