The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 2869199 on August 3, 2004.
Velvet spring trademark has given for the word mark, its origin from the English gourmet food. Now-a-days, people are so selected in a matter of drinking water if it is in the hotel room, restaurant, in travelling, and even in their own houses, it is because most of the diseases come from water. Therefore, individual needs to be fit and healthy so people prefer to drink purified and aquifer.
Thus, here Velvet Spring brings the smoothest water all over worldwide and is also distributed entirely in the bottle packaging of glass only. Even it is identified that Taste of Velvet Spring water is the sweetest one. Velvet springs bottle’s water is brought out from spring of Konissajo, fully natural one and it is the wild area of Finnish Lapland. Through the process of sedimentation, they purify the water; it also removes the atmospheric pollution and creates it as per the human body.