The trademark was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 2757489 on August 26, 2003.
This trademark is providing the goods and services of fresh fruits such as mangoes, melons, pineapples, etc. The Tropical gold company is one of the most sustainable and reliable in the field of growing mangoes that have been distributed worldwide. They produce natural and best quality fruits in innovative ways. The objective is to attain the expectations of the customers and offer constant growth in the markets. Food safety is the most significant phenomenon, in the world of the mixture and artificial food items, especially in fruits; Tropical gold offers the best quality with full integration.
Their work is instructed by values, respecting employees, collective enthusiasm to take new hurdles, and attain new outcomes. They have vast employees to produce fruits, and they support them, provide proper instructions related to an innovative technique. That’s attaining this company so high. Tropical gold’s main purpose is to improve fair practice in agriculture, offer pure fruits to their consumers and take care of customer’s health, and without detriment of their farmer’s health.