The trademark of TRIWEB is owned by Tricon Precast, Ltd. and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 4610104 on September 23rd, 2014.

The Triweb Wall is a mechanically stabilised earth retaining wall constructed with precast concrete panels, geosynthetic reinforcement, and select backfill.
It includes a levelling course, panel alignment shims, HDPE bearing pads, filter fabric, adhesive joints, connection anchors, and precast concrete copings. The system provides engineered design drawings, erection instructions, and limited on-site technical support.
Tricon Precast specializes in prefabricated retaining walls and bridge systems. Their Retained Soil Wall System is widely available in North America. They also offer Con-Struct, Redi-Span, and Tricon Double-Tee bridge systems for various applications. These products are designed for efficiency, durability, and wide-scale availability.