Registered on January 17, 1984, under registration number 1264198, the trademark of the Company was filed with the USPTO. February 10th, 1978 is when the mark was first used.
McGraw Hill was founded in 1888. The American Journal of Railway Appliances was acquired by James H. McGraw, a co-founder of the corporation, in 1888, marking the founding of McGraw Hill. After putting out more books, he finally founded The McGraw Publishing Company in 1899. John A. Hill, his co-founder, established The Hill Publishing Company in 1902 after producing a number of trade and technical publications.

The McGraw-Hill Book Company was created in 1909 after the two co-founders joined forces and amalgamated the book divisions of their respective publishing houses.
McGraw Hill is an American publishing company for educational content, software, and services for pre-K through postgraduate education. Additionally, the corporation publishes trade and reference books for the fields of engineering, commerce, and medical.
Prior to being spun out and bought by Apollo Global Management in March 2013 for $2.4 billion, McGraw Hill Education was a part of The McGraw Hill Companies, which subsequently changed its name to McGraw Hill Financial and is now S&P Global. For $4.5 billion, Platinum Equity purchased McGraw Hill in 2021.
McGraw-Hill’s Taking Sides Collection Create® incorporates hot-button problems of the day into a debate-style structure that aims to pique students’ curiosity and foster critical thinking abilities. This Collection offers a wide range of both classic and contemporary issues to personalise and improve your course. You have the option to search by author, topic, or keywords on Create, or you may browse the complete Taking Sides Collection.