This trademark is owned by American Mentality, Inc. and was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 3870462 on November 2nd, 2010. The trademark is registered under the category ‘Bicycles; structural bicycle parts, namely, wheels, tires, seats, handle bars, wheel hubs, cranks, sprockets, botom brackets, head sets, pedals, forks, axels, seat posts, frames and stems’ and the mark consists of the wording “SUB ROSA” in stylized lettering within an open circular design wherein the circular design element is designed to resemble a flower stem with thorns. The design, words, letter and numbers are claimed for the trademark and not the colour. The English translation of ‘Subrosa’ is under the rose.
Subrosa began in the year 2006 and the goal of the brand is to create complete bikes and products that are affordable, reliable, and have an attention to detail that make each piece high quality and hard to duplicate by other brands.