The company filed for trademark with the USPTO on November 25, 2003 and was assigned registration number 2785834. Their mark was first used on January 1st, 2001.
The owner of this Trademark is Advance Magazine Publishers Inc., founded on May 12, 1924. The families of Donald Newhouse and Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., the sons of the business’s founder Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr., own this privately held American media company.

Among the outstanding businesses in Advance’s portfolio are Leaders Group, POP, Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, and Turnitin. In addition, Advance holds a sizable stake in Reddit, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Charter Communications.
By promoting growth and innovation across a diverse portfolio that includes media, entertainment, communications, technology, education, and other attractive growth sectors, their objective is to increase the company’s value over the long run. According to Forbes, Advance was the 221st-largest privately held firm in the US as of November 2019.