Today’s Trademark – Messori
The trademark of MESSORI is owned by MESSORI CIOCCOLATERIA S.R.L. and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 4630328 on November 4th, 2014.
Messori Cioccolateria founded in 1929 in Modena, is a family-run business with three generations of expertise in the confectionery industry. The company seamlessly blends it’s rich traditions with innovative ideas, maintaining a steadfast commitment to exceptional quality and presentation in its chocolate creations.
With a strong presence in the Italian market, Messori Cioccolateria has expanded its reach, exporting its premium chocolates to over 27 countries worldwide. Messori Cioccolateria offers diverse product lines, including Chocoidea, Antica Cioccolateria, and seasonal collections for Easter and Christmas, as well as personalized options tailored to customer preferences in flavor, design, packaging, and occasion.