The trademark of Luidia was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 2981942 on August 2nd 2005.
This trademark is known for its functions to computer systems related to its goods and scientific or electric items that are having certain descriptions regarding software and hardware in the usage of data conferencing helps in storage of data, interactive digital displays and whiteboards. As we know there is rapid growth in technology and also uses technology so much.
Thus, Luidia eBeam technology is helping the ultrasound beneficiary to know the exact area of the transmitter-equipped pen, which is known as the stylus. Previously, it was introduced as patented as certain inventions occurred related to electronics. Now, it has attained a wordmark as a trademark. It has also created wireless devices that are helping the students to take it anywhere in the corner of the world and do their study. Luidia is providing technology works in the whiteboard especially beneficial in the field of teaching as teachers don’t have to draw figures or write whole things. Through digital images and learning students are also enjoying the new pattern of learning.