The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registered no. 4562898 on July 08, 2014.
This company was founded on February 20, 2009, based on that the nonprofit, business, and government sectors can work together and learn from each other. This company is a socially-responsible, low-profit business located on Colorado’s beautiful Front Range. Their social mission is to help nonprofits become more sustainable, for-profits to become more socially responsible and government agencies to support both in their communities.
This company provides consulting and education services like Social Enterprise strategy & development, Feasibility analysis, Business plan development, Executive search, Strategic planning, Sustainability planning, Business planning, Stakeholder engagement, Individual/organizational decision-making criteria development & implementation, Strategic partnerships, and Governance, etc. Their work is based on consulting philosophy that leads to the achievement of clients’ desired outcomes. They work with clients to make the very best use of personal and organizational strengths and sort through how to most effectively address clients’ challenges.