In the vast tapestry of trademarks, G Nest proudly stands as a registered symbol, weaving its presence through the innovation landscape of Switzerland. With the distinguished registration number 742886, this combined mark was officially recognized on February 13, 2020, by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE-IPI).
Owned by the ubiquitous tech giant Google LLC, G Nest is not just a trademark; it’s a representation of Google’s expansive influence in every corner of our digital lives. Registered under Nice classifications 09, 37, 38, and 42, G Nest reflects Google’s involvement in diverse technological domains.

As a registered trademark in Switzerland, G Nest ; it’s an embodiment of Google’s commitment to innovation and technology. From digital information seeking to redefining the way we connect and play, Google LLC’s influence is encapsulated in the G Nest brand.
G Nest is not just a symbol; it’s a testament to Google’s far-reaching impact on our digital experiences. As a technology powerhouse, Google LLC continues to shape the digital landscape, and G Nest serves as a distinctive marker of Google’s innovative spirit in the Swiss innovation ecosystem.