Today’s Trademark – Fontclara
The trademark of FONTCLARA is owned by Zanotelli AG and was registered in USTPO bearing registration number 5923279 on December 3rd, 2019.

Fontclara produces 100% single-varietal extra virgin olive oils, crafted from early-harvest olives to deliver exceptional health benefits and distinctive organoleptic qualities that elevate any dish. Recognized globally for their superior quality, Fontclara oils have won numerous awards in international competitions. The brand’s story is rooted in the passion of Roland Zanotelli, who fell in love with the Empordà region’s landscapes, traditions, and olive groves, inspiring him to create a project that blends his love for botany, gastronomy, and art with the area’s rich heritage.
The Fontclara Estate is nestled in the heart of Baix Empordà, surrounded by the medieval towns of Peratallada, Palau-Sator, Ullastret, and Pals, often referred to as the “golden triangle” of the region. Situated along the Costa Brava, this idyllic estate benefits from a unique microclimate and fertile lands interspersed with rice fields and fruit trees. From this privileged setting, Fontclara produces its “liquid treasure”—extra virgin olive oils that embody the harmony of nature.