Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a popular American breakfast cereal that was invented in 1984. It was created by a scientist named John Mendesh and Elisabeth Trach, who was the assistant product manager at General Mills. They were inspired by a suggestion received in a “give us your best idea for a cereal” radio contest held by General Mills. Since then, the cereal has gained popularity in households across the globe and has acquired various names. In French Canada, it is known as Croque-Cannelle, while in the UK (previously Cinnamon Grahams), it is known as Curiously Cinnamon. In other European and Latin American countries, it is sold as a variant called Cini Minis.

Originally, the cereal was made up of plain squares, but currently, it consists of small squares or rectangles of wheat and rice covered with cinnamon and sugar. The cereal is puffed, and when immersed in milk, it makes a “crunch” noise. Cinnamon Toast Crunch was registered as an American trademark on July 2, 1985, bearing the serial number 73479340. The mark is registered under International Class 30.