Brightree could be considered a technology company in some respects. And you’re absolutely right. But what really matters at Brightree are the people who work there. We provide people working in the post-acute care industry with innovative technology solutions and services that cover the full spectrum of their needs, from beginning to end. Brightree assists in streamlining processes, which in turn improves efficiency and ultimately leads to an increase in profitability.

Over the course of the past fifteen years, businesses of all sizes have placed their confidence in us due to the breadth and depth of the solutions we provide, the strength of our leadership, and the unparalleled quality of our customer service. We begin each day by reporting to work and focusing on developing novel approaches that can have a constructive effect on both the businesses of our patrons and the lives of their patients. Because Brightree is, at its core, a community of individuals.
Brightree LLC limited liability company registered the brand “Brightree” on 22nd August 2017 bearing the serial number 87287646. It is a mark registered as a trademark falling under class 009, 042, 044 of the International Classification of Goods and Services bearing registration no.5270176.