This trademark can be found in pharmaceutical preparations employed in treating a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Christopher M. Hanes, who is currently employed by GSK, is going to be the one to take on the responsibility of acting as the correspondent for legal matters.
The trademark has been registered, and it is currently being utilized in a wide range of businesses, including those that deal with vaccines, infectious diseases, and treatments for skin and tissue. Trademark Elite is a free platform that enables users to search for and track trademarks in the United States and internationally. Trademark Elite is available to users in over 100 countries. The platform also provides users with individualized solutions and up-to-date status information, in addition to this.

Glaxo Group Limited registered the term “Belwayo” on 6th August 2019 bearing the serial number88237103. It is a mark registered as a trademark falling under class 005 of the International Classification of Goods and Services bearing registration no. 5825800.