BEAUTY BAR is registered under a brand name REGIS CORP. in United States. Beauty Bar is for beauty salon and cosmetology services. Regis Salons serve fashion-savvy women who consider their hairstyle an important part of their fashion formula. Specializing in the latest cuts, color, texture and finishing services, Regis techniques are tailored to fit their clients’ styles. Regis stylists are supported by the industry’s best education, with ongoing training in the most current trends and techniques, so they can create the looks clients want and provide expert tips and tricks for them to recreate their styles at home.
It was registered on 12th September 1995 as service mark with its origin from US bearing the serial no. 74552006. It was organized in Minnesota. It falls under primary class 42 of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration and reproduction of the mark.