The trademark of the company B Better, owned by BETTER, programska oprema, d.o.o., was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 7038966 on May 03, 2023.

Better (Slovenia), founded in 1989 by Tomaž Gornik, is headquartered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and has 127 employees. Specializing in healthcare enterprise software, it offers services such as medication reconciliation and electronic health records. Led by Tomaž Gornik, Better (Slovenia) focuses on empowering healthcare organizations through continuous digital transformation. As a private company, it remains dedicated to enhancing patient care through innovative software solutions.
Specializing in enterprise systems for healthcare, Better focuses on continuous digital transformation, offering a suite of services including medication reconciliation, inpatient prescribing, discharge summary, medication administration record, electronic health record, clinical pharmacist review, and pharmacy integration.