Welcome to the world of insurance excellence with (aLTIma), a registered trademark under the ownership of ALTIMA Société Anonyme. Since its registration on January 10, 2020, with Registration number 4583102, this distinctive trademark has been making waves in the insurance industry, symbolizing trust, reliability, and a commitment to comprehensive coverage.
It is classified as a Combined trademark, featuring a unique mark image that sets it apart. The brand is characterized by a sophisticated colour palette. This visual identity creates a powerful and memorable impression, reflecting the brand’s commitment to excellence.

Registered under the France trademark office (INPI) and with the application language code in French, it showcases its connection to the cultural and linguistic heritage of France.
Owned by ALTIMA Société Anonyme, it is not just a symbol; it represents a provider of a comprehensive range of insurance products. From safeguarding cars and homes to offering coverage for travel cancellation, legal aid, and financial assistance, it stands as a reliable partner in protecting individuals and their assets.
In every policy and service, it embodies a blend of visual appeal and a commitment to excellence, symbolizing more than just insurance – it’s a promise of peace of mind and thorough protection. Choose (aLTIma) for an elevated insurance experience, where reliability meets innovation in every aspect of coverage.