The trademark of AFMC Healthy People. Healthy Business. Healthy Communities. is owned by Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care, Inc. and was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 6424874 on July 20, 2021.

The non-profit Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC) has Little Rock and Fort Smith offices. Its goal is to enhance healthcare via teaching and evaluation. Established in 1972, AFMC has worked with state Medicaid programs, the Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services, health departments, hospitals, physicians, long-term care facilities, and commercial insurers for over 50 years.
AFMC employs around 300 people and offers several services. Outreach initiatives to improve quality, medical case reviews, training healthcare practitioners, reducing costs, data analysis, health policy analysis, and consumer health education are included.
Teams at AFMC collaborate with medical practices and hospitals to enhance patient care, reduce unnecessary services, and control healthcare costs. They provide data to improve health outcomes, provide communication tools to educate customers and help alter healthcare and medical procedures. AFMC reduces unnecessary healthcare expenditure, improves public health, boosts the economy, and improves quality of life. Their initiatives enhance health, education, crime, and social service spending, saving lives and creating a better, more educated, and economically secure society.