Diamond Crown cigars are a premium brand created by the Julius Caeser Newman Cigar Company. The company was founded in 1895 and holds a rich history in the cigar industry and has been family owned for generations. Initially produced with Cuban tobacco in Ohio and Florida from the 1940s to 1960s, the brand was relaunched for the company’s centenary. The brand includes the original Diamond Crown line as well as the bolder Diamond Crown Maximus line, both representing quality and luxury. These cigars have been used to mark milestones in the industry and the company’s history.
The mark is owned by J.C. Newman Cigar Co., registered on 21-10-1997 with the registration no. 2106978. The mark depicts a crown with a banner each on the top and bottom of the crown with the words diamond and crown on them respectively. The cigars are known for their smooth and mellow profile, making them appealing to a wide range of enthusiasts.
Aged and well-matured tobacco leaves contribute to the cigars’ refined taste. Crafted by master rollers with well-aged tobacco, the cigars undergo rigorous quality tests before release. The tobacco is cultivated traditionally without chemicals, ploughed manually with donkeys to avoid damage. The Connecticut Fermented Wrapper, aged for five years, is used, rolled in a 54-ring gauge. Diamond Crown offers a unique and complex flavour.