Silkworm is registered under the brand name brocade communications system inc. in the United States. The current owner of the company is Avago Technologies International Sales Pte. Limited. Silkworm is a brand name associated with fibre channel switches used for network communications. Fibre channel is a high-speed network technology commonly used in storage area networks (SANs) to connect servers, storage devices, and other network components. Silkworm switches are typically deployed in enterprise environments where fast and reliable storage connectivity is crucial. They are used in industries such as finance, healthcare, and media, where high-speed data access and transfer are essential for critical operations.
It was registered on 1st September 1998 as word trademark with its origin from US bearing the serial no. 75247797. It was organized in Singapore. It falls under primary class 9 of the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration and reproduction of the mark.