The Wordmark “AGI AMERICAN GULF INTERNATIONAL” was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 4711163 on March 31, 2015.
In order to raise the standard of medical care provided by hospitals and clinics around the globe, American Gulf International was established in Oklahoma City in 1992. AGI has been assisting our clients in improving the caliber of their systems and operations and lowering the risks that can arise in a healthcare context for almost 20 years.
Healthcare, general administration, training, accreditation, and management are among the initiatives undertaken by AGI. AGI has been involved in the administration of programmes for hospital accreditation, workshops, professional training for healthcare providers, education for healthcare managers, system evaluation, reorganization, feasibility studies, and strategic planning. Moreover, the specialists and consultants on the AGI team have currently worked in over 13 nations in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North America, and the Middle East.
AGI has created an innovative curriculum and offered training in a variety of leadership and quality control sectors especially in healthcare fields. Most importantly, both offline and/or online instructional services are offered by them. There are numerous conferences and workshops that have been organized and distributed to thousands of people from various backgrounds, languages and traditions in various contradictory situations.