The Wordmark “INTERNATIONAL RHINO FOUNDATION” was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 6670466 on March 15, 2022.
The owner of this trademark is ‘The International Rhino Foundation non-profit corporation’ in Texas, United States of America. The mark is registered in mainly 3 international classes 035, 036, 039 and 042. The services are solely charitable towards saving the Rhino community. More specifically it focuses on promoting public awareness of the problems affecting the survivability of rhinoceros and needed conservation activities and donation to save them from getting hurt and extinct. It focuses on charitable fundraising activities by running support groups and programs promoting the preservation of rhino species. They are also engrossed in animal rescue services and in many sub-services to relocate such animals to safer and natural habitats.
The foundation’s online platform also promotes the organization through advertising and merchandising such as clothing products, apparel, books, hats, jewelry, bottles, stickers, handmade keychains, bandanas and figurines. They have also adopted a unique manner of promoting their vision of saving rhinos, by uploading blogs related to Rhino sanctuary trips and safaris. They also have IRF funded research and are supported by numerous prestigious global universities like Cardiff University, Stanford University and University of Illinois.