The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing register no. 4182739 on July 31, 2012.
The UAM is the first internationally-certified anesthesia machine that can generate its medical oxygen and work without electricity. It is the world’s first CE-marked anesthesia machine designed to work without electricity and medical oxygen. With a built-in oxygen concentrator, standard connections for other oxygen sources, and key features on battery backup.
The UAM uses a combination of continuous flow and draws over technologies to deliver general anesthesia safely in any setting. Its benefit is that it generates medical-grade oxygen from room air without an external oxygen source. It enables anesthesia without electricity or oxygen source and it automatically breathes for patients with 6 hours of battery power. It measures blood pressure, temperature, pulse oximetry, and ECG with 6 hours of battery power and allows for local, low-cost sourcing of replacement parts and consumables.