RadioShack, earlier known as RadioShack Corporation, is an American retailer of electronics. Radio Shack operates as an e-commerce website, a network of approximately 500 autonomously owned, franchised RadioShack stores and a supplier of parts for HobbyTown, USA. The company was founded as a Radio Shack by two brothers, Theodore and Milton Deutschmann in 1921. The brothers opened a one store retail and mail-order operation in Boston with a purpose of providing for the then-nascent field of amateur or ham radio.
In 1995, the company changed its logo by using CamelCase of the earlier name “Radio Shack” to “RadioShack”. In 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported RadioShack was preparing a bankruptcy filing. In February 2015, RadioShack announced that it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
In November 2020, RadioShack’s intellectual property and its operations with HobbyTown USA affiliate stores and its online sales operation were purchased by Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV) which is a Florida based company had previously bought defunct retailers.
The trademark of “Radio Shack” was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 0796908 on September 28, 1965.