Peter Rabbit is a fictional animal character created by Beatrix Potter. The character was named after a pet rabbit of the writer, Beatrix whom she had as a child and whom she called Peter Piper.
The first Peter rabbit story, “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” was created in 1893 initially to the five-year-old son of Potter’s former governess, Noel Moore. The character first appeared in “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” in 1902 and subsequently appeared in five more books between 1904 and 1912. In 1903, trade edition of the tale was published by Fredrick Warne & Co, and by its year end, 28,000 copies were in print.
The character of Peter Rabbit is possibly the world’s oldest licensed character, with thousands of new products embellished with his likeliness are produced every year. An animated adaptation of the character produced by Sony Pictures Animation, “Peter Rabbit”, was released on February 9, 2018.
The trademark of “Peter Rabbit” was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 112685 on September 19, 1978.